
jambonz => websocket server

A verb:status message is sent by jambonz to the websocket server when a verb has just started or completed executing.

Note: The notifyEvents attribute of the session config defaults to false. This must be set to true in order for verb:status messages to be enabled, and they will only be sent where the app has provided an id property on verbs it includes in a command message.

property type meaning required
type string "verb:status" indicates this is an error notification from jambonz yes
msgid string unique message identifier yes
call_sid string unique call identifier yes
b3 string open telemetry span identifier for this call (only provided if otel tracing is enabled) no
data object error details yes string verb id yes
data.verb string name of verb yes
data.status string 'begin' or 'end' yes
  "type": "verb:status",
  "msgid": "1cvh3MNHh1xrJaHmnitqA1",
  "call_sid": "9fb35c28-9688-4531-943c-e280b04f3adf",
  "data": {
    "id": "ueydf3",
    "verb": "say",
    "status": "begin"