Release 0.9.2
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2024
New Features
  • added support for OpenAI Realtime API
  • added new llm verb for integration with LLMs
  • add support for Speechmatics STT
  • add support for PlayHT 3.0 TTS
  • support Deepgram on-prem
  • log levels of applications can now be changed at runtime without a restart
  • include network SIP Call-ID in call detail records in influxdb
  • add support for aws language model name when transcribing
  • support config referHook
  • support config referHook
  • loop dial music
  • Add support for configuring the IP address that is advertised to the API server
  • Sending callSid in the custom-stt start message
  • support wait hook for conf:participant-action hold
  • add notify speech-bargein-detected and dtmf-bargein-detected events
  • add callSid for STT and TTS alerts
  • Check the confidence levels of a transcript with minConfidence
  • added private_newtwork_cidr to system_information table
  • sip gateways support inbound pad crypto
Bug fixes
  • Allow Say, Gather, Transcribe is able to finished if there is error for speech credential
  • Fixed Gather digits does not work without nested say/play
  • race condition where call just ended when action hook play completes
  • fix issues with labels on speech vendors
  • fixed adulting call session does not send status callback if hangup is used
  • enable bargeIn when minBargeinWordCount is 0
  • tts: allow set vendor model or engine in runtime
  • Create Call Rest is missing target headers on outdial
  • Fix/audio issue kick conference
  • Fixed long amd hints make freeswitch module cannot connect the vendor
  • fix support precache audio with tts stream
  • rest call session does not handle for RE-INVITE
  • fix conference in cluster have correct direction in callInfo
  • fix: support _lccMuteStatus for conference
  • fix: do not run snake case for customer data
  • clear gather timeout if imterim result received
  • support jambonz transcribe sampling rate
  • fix conference end is not sent when moderator leave conference
  • fixed pad_crypto does not work if not a incoming call to a sip realm
  • Handle cases where gateway query at account level returns more than one
  • sip scheme in contact header of re-invite 200 OK should be same as initial 200 OK
  • fix sbc crash while outbound calling to user
SQL changes
ALTER TABLE system_information ADD COLUMN private_network_cidr VARCHAR(8192);
ALTER TABLE system_information ADD COLUMN log_level ENUM('info', 'debug') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'info';
ALTER TABLE accounts ADD COLUMN enable_debug_log BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false;
  • Available now on
  • Available now with devops scripts for subscription customers

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