
The recognizer property is used in multiple verbs (gather, transcribe, dial). It selects and configures the speech recognizer.

It is an object containing the following properties:

option description required
vendor Speech vendor to use (see list below, along with any others you add via the custom speech API) no
language Language code to use for speech detection. Defaults to the application level setting no
interim If true, interim transcriptions are sent no (default: false)
hints (google, microsoft, deepgram, nvidia, soniox) Array of words or phrases to assist speech detection. See examples below. no
hintsBoost (google, nvidia) Number indicating the strength to assign to the configured hints. See examples below. no
profanityFilter (google, deepgram, nuance, nvidia) If true, filter profanity from speech transcription . Default: no no
singleUtterance (google) If true, return only a single utterance/transcript no (default: true for gather)
vad.enable If true, delay connecting to cloud recognizer until speech is detected no
vad.voiceMs If vad is enabled, the number of milliseconds of speech required before connecting to cloud recognizer no
vad.mode If vad is enabled, this setting governs the sensitivity of the voice activity detector; value must be between 0 to 3 inclusive, lower numbers mean more sensitive no
separateRecognitionPerChannel If true, recognize both caller and called party speech using separate recognition sessions no
altLanguages (google, microsoft) An array of alternative languages that the speaker may be using no
punctuation (google) Enable automatic punctuation no
model (google) speech recognition model to use no (default: phone_call)
enhancedModel (google) Use enhanced model no
words (google) Enable word offsets no
diarization (google) Enable speaker diarization no
diarizationMinSpeakers (google) Set the minimum speaker count no
diarizationMaxSpeakers (google) Set the maximum speaker count no
interactionType (google) Set the interaction type: discussion, presentation, phone_call, voicemail, professionally_produced, voice_search, voice_command, dictation no
naicsCode (google) set an industry NAICS code that is relevant to the speech no
vocabularyName (aws) The name of a vocabulary to use when processing the speech. no
vocabularyFilterName (aws) The name of a vocabulary filter to use when processing the speech. no
filterMethod (aws) The method to use when filtering the speech: remove, mask, or tag. no
languageModelName (aws) The name of the custom language model when processing speech. no
identifyChannels (aws) Enable channel identification. no
profanityOption (microsoft) masked, removed, or raw. Default: raw no
outputFormat (microsoft) simple or detailed. Default: simple no
requestSnr (microsoft) Request signal to noise information no
initialSpeechTimeoutMs (microsoft) Initial speech timeout in milliseconds no
minConfidence If provided, final transcripts with confidence less than this value return a reason of 'stt-low-confidence' in webhook no
transcriptionHook Webhook to receive an HTPP POST when an interim or final transcription is received. yes
asrTimeout timeout value for continuous ASR feature no
asrDtmfTerminationDigit DMTF key that terminates continuous ASR feature no
azureServiceEndpoint Custom service endpoint to connect to, instead of hosted Microsoft regional endpoints no
azureOptions (added in 0.8.5) Azure-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
deepgramOptions (added in 0.8.0) Deepgram-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
ibmOptions (added in 0.8.0) IBM Watson-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
nuanceOptions (added in 0.8.0) Nuance-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
nvidiaOptions (added in 0.8.0) Nvidia-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
sonioxOptions (added in 0.8.2) Soniox-specific speech recognition options (see below) no
Speech-to-text vendors

jambonz natively supports the following speech-to-text services:

  • assemblyai
  • aws
  • azure
  • cobalt
  • deepgram
  • google
  • ibm
  • nuance
  • nvidia
  • sonoix

Note: Microsoft supports on-prem and private link options for deploying the speech service in addition to the hosted Microsoft service.

google, microsoft, deepgram, and nvidia all support the ability to provide a dynamic list of words or phrases that should be "boosted" by the recognizer, i.e. the recognizer should be more likely to detect this terms and return them in the transcript. A boost factor can also be applied. In the most basic implementation it would look like this:

"hints": ["benign", "malignant", "biopsy"],
"hintsBoost": 50

Additionally, google and nvidia allow a boost factor to be specified at the phrase level, e.g.

"hints": [
  {"phrase": "benign", "boost": 50},
  {"phrase": "malignant", "boost": 10},
  {"phrase": "biopsy", "boost": 20},

azureOptions is an object with the following properties. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.5 or above.

option description required
speechSegmentationSilenceTimeoutMs Duration (in ms) of nonspeech audio within a phrase that's currently being spoken before that phrase is considered "done." See here for details no

nuanceOptions is an object with the following properties. Please refer to the Nuance Documentation for detailed descriptions. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.0 or above.

option description required
clientId Nuance client ID to authenticate with (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
secret Nuance secret to authenticate with (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
kryptonEndpoint Endpoint of on-prem Krypton endpoint to connect to no (defaults to hosted service)
topic specialized language model no
utteranceDetectionMode How many sentences (utterances) within the audio stream are processed ('single', 'multiple', 'disabled') no (default: single
punctuation Whether to enable auto punctuation no
includeTokenization Whether to include tokenized recognition result. no
discardSpeakerAdaptation If speaker profiles are used, whether to discard updated speaker data. By default, data is stored. no
suppressCallRecording Whether to disable call logging and audio capture. By default, call logs, audio, and metadata are collected. no
maskLoadFailures whether to terminate recogition when failing to load external resources no
suppressInitialCapitalization When true, the first word in a sentence is not automatically capitalized. no
allowZeroBaseLmWeight When true, custom resources (DLMs, wordsets, etc.) can use the entire no
filterWakeupWord Whether to remove the wakeup word from the final result. no
resultType The level of recognition results ('final', 'partial', 'immutable_partial') no (default: final)
noInputTimeoutMs Maximum silence, in milliseconds, allowed while waiting for user input after recognition timers are started. no
recognitionTimeoutMs Maximum duration, in milliseconds, of recognition turn no
utteranceEndSilenceMs Minimum silence, in milliseconds, that determines the end of a sentence no
maxHypotheses Maximum number of n-best hypotheses to return no
speechDomain Mapping to internal weight sets for language models in the data pack no
userId Identifies a specific user within the application no
speechDetectionSensitivity A balance between detecting speech and noise (breathing, etc.), 0 to 1. 0 means ignore all noise, 1 means interpret all noise as speech no (default: 0.5)
clientData An object containing arbitrary key, value pairs to inject into the call log. no
formatting.scheme Keyword for a formatting type defined in the data pack no
formatting.options Object containing key, value pairs of formatting options and values defined in the data pack no
resource An array of zero or more recognition resources (domain LMs, wordsets, etc.) to improve recognition no
resource[].inlineWordset Inline wordset JSON resource. See Wordsets for details no
resource[].builtin Name of a builtin resource in the data pack no
resource[].inlineGrammar Inline grammar, SRGS XML format no
resource[].wakeupWord Array of wakeup words no
resource[].weightName input field setting the weight of the domain LM or builtin relative to the data pack ('defaultWeight', 'lowest', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'highest') no (default = MEDIUM
resource[].weightValue Weight of DLM or builtin as a numeric value from 0 to 1 no (default: 0.25)
resource[].reuse Whether the resource will be used multiple times ('undefined_reuse', 'low_reuse','high_reuse') no (default: low_reuse
resource[].externalReference An external DLM or settings file for creating or updating a speaker profile no
resource[].externalReference.type Resource type ('undefined_resource_type', 'wordset', 'compiled_wordset', 'domain_lm', 'speaker_profile', 'grammar', 'settings') no
resource[].externalReference.uri Location of the resource as a URN reference no
resource[].externalReference.maxLoadFailures when true allow transcription to proceed resource loading fails no
resource[].externalReference.requestTimeoutMs Time to wait when downloading resources no
resource[].externalReference.headers An object containing HTTP cache-control directives (e.g. max-age etc) no

deepgramOptions is an object with the following properties. Please refer to the Deepgram Documentation for detailed descriptions. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.0 or above.

option description required
apiKey Deepgram api key to authenticate with (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
tier Deepgram tier you would like to use ('enhanced', 'base') no (default: base)
model Deepgram model used to process submitted audio ('general', 'meeting', 'phonecall', 'voicemail', 'finance', 'conversationalai', 'video', 'custom') no (default: general)
endpointing Indicates the number of milliseconds of silence Deepgram will use to determine a speaker has finished saying a word or phrase. The value provided must be iether a number of milliseconds or 'false' to disable the feature entirely. Note: the default endpointing value that Deepgram uses is 10 milliseconds. You can set this value higher to allow to require more silence before a final transcript is returned but we suggest a value of 1000 (one second) or less, as we have observed strange behaviors with higher values. If you wish to allow more time for pauses during a conversation before returning a transcript, we suggest using the utteranceEndMs feature instead that is described below. no (default: 10ms)
customModel Id of custom model no
version Deepgram version of model to use no (default: latest)
punctuate Indicates whether to add punctuation and capitalization to the transcript no
profanityFilter Indicates whether to remove profanity from the transcript no
redact Whether to redact information from transcripts ('pci', 'numbers', 'true', 'ssn') no
diarize Wehther to assign a speaker to each word in the transcript no
diarizeVersion if set to '2021-07-14.0' the legacy diarization feature will be used no
multichannel Indicates whether to transcribe each audio channel independently no
alternatives Number of alternative transcripts to return no
numerals Indicates whether to convert numbers from written format (e.g., one) to numerical format (e.g., 1) no
search An array of terms or phrases to search for in the submitted audio no
replace An array of terms or phrases to search for in the submitted audio and replace no
keywords An array keywords to which the model should pay particular attention to boosting or suppressing to help it understand context no
tag A tag to associate with the request. Tags appear in usage reports no
utteranceEndMs (added in 08.5) a number of milliseconds of silence that deepgram will wait after the last word was spoken before returning an UtteranceEnd event, which is used by jambonz to trigger the transcript webhook if this proprety is supplied. This is essentially Deepgram's version of continous ASR (and in fact if you enable continuos ASR on Deepgram it will work by enabling this property) no
shortUtterance (added in 08.5) Causes a transcript to be returned as soon as the Deepgram is_final property is set. This should only be used in scenarios where you are expecting a very short confirmation or directed command and you want minimal latency no
smartFormatting (added in 08.5) Indicates whether to enable Deepgram's Smart Formatting feature. no

ibmOptions is an object with the following properties. Please refer to the IBM Watson Documentation for detailed descriptions. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.0 or above.

option description required
sttApiKey IBM api key to authenticate with (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
sttRegion IBM region (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
instanceId IBM speech instance id (overrides setting in jambonz portal) no
model The model to use for speech recognition no
languageCustomizationId Id of a custom language model no
acousticCustomizationId Id of a custom acoustic model no
baseModelVersion Base model to be used no
watsonMetadata a tag value to apply to the request data provided no
watsonLearningOptOut set to true to prevent IBM from using your api request data to improve their service no

nvidiaOptions is an object with the following properties. Please refer to the Nvidia Riva Documentation for detailed descriptions. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.0 or above.

option description required
rivaUri grcp endpoint (ip:port) that Nvidia Riva is listening on no
maxAlternatives number of alternatives to return no
profanityFilter Indicates whether to remove profanity from the transcript no
punctuation Indicates whether to provide puncutation in the transcripts no
wordTimeOffsets indicates whether to provide word-level detail no
verbatimTranscripts Indicates whether to provide verbatim transcripts no
customConfiguration An object of key-value pairs that can be sent to Nvidia for custom configuration no

sonioxOptions is an object with the following properties. Please refer to the Soniox Documentation for detailed descriptions. This option is available in jambonz 0.8.2 or above.

option description required
api_key Soniox api key no
model Soniox model to use no (default: precision_ivr)
profanityFilter Indicates whether to remove profanity from the transcript no
storage properties that dictate whether to audio and/or transcripts. Can be useful for debugging purposes. no storage identifier no
storage.title storage title no
storage.disableStoreAudio if true do not store audio no (default: false)
storage.disableStoreTranscript if true do not store transcript no (default: false)
storage.disableSearch if true do not allow search no (default: false)