
Added in v0.6.6

The rasa verb is used to connect a call to a Rasa assistant.

  "verb": "rasa",
  "url": "http://my-assitant.acme.com/webhooks/rest/webhook?token=foobarbazzle",
  "prompt": "Hello there!  What can I do for you today?",
  "eventHook": "/rasa/event",
  "actionHook": "/rasa/action"

You can use the following options in the rasa verb:

option description required
url URL to connect to the Rasa assistant using the RestInput channel yes
prompt an initial greeting to play to the user no
eventHook a webhook that is called when the rasa assistant returns either a user message or a bot message no
actionHook A webhook that is called when the rasa verb completes no
tts if provided, audio prompts will be played using these text-to-speech choices rather than the application defaults no
tts.vendor speech vendor to use: Google, aws (alias: polly), or default (for application default) no
tts.language language code to use. yes
tts.gender (Google only) MALE, FEMALE, or NEUTRAL. no
recognizer if provided, the speech recognition settings to use (defaults to application settings) no
tts.voice voice to use. Note that the voice list differs whether you are using aws or Google. Defaults to application setting, if provided. no
recognizer.hints array of words or phrases to assist speech detection no
recognizer.language language code to use for speech detection. Defaults to the application level setting, or 'en-US' if not set no
recognizer.profanityFilter if true, filter profanity from speech transcription. Default: no no
recognizer.vendor speech vendor to use (currently only Google supported) no

The rasa verb performs speech recognition on the caller audio stream and sends it as text input to the rasa assistant using the rasa RestInput channel. Text returned from the assistant is played to the caller using text-to-speech. As the conversation proceeds, webhook events can be sent to notify of all of the messages being exchanged between the user and the bot, allowing your application to intercede at any point, e.g. to transfer the call to an agent.

The actionHook webhook will contain the following additional parameters:

  • rasaResult: the completion reason:
    • caller hungup - the caller hungup
    • redirect - a new application was returned from an event webhook and is now being executed
    • timeout - the user did not respond to a prompt
    • webhookError - an error was received attempting to call an event webhook

The eventHook webhook will contain two parameters: event and message. The event parameter will be either userMessage or botMessage depending on whether the message comes from the user or the rasa assistant, and message will contain the message itself. Your event webhook may return a new application in a json payload, in which case the call will be redirected to that application.