
Jambonz UI styles are provided a couple of ways. The raw source for the styles is SASS so if you're also using SASS you have the beneficial ability to directly use either all the UI SASS or just the variables and mixins for use extending the UI kit in your jambonz app. If you use all the SASS you don't need to use the raw CSS anywhere in your app. The utilized SASS modules will compile into your final CSS output.

Loading the CSS

You can load the raw CSS directly into your app with a <link> tag if you prefer that method. It is provided compiled, minified and minified + gzipped. Assuming you've copied the CSS from the public directory provided with the package into your own static directory and renamed it jambonz-ui.css:

<!-- loading the minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/jambonz-ui.css" />

You can also import the CSS directly into your jambonz app entry point (JS) as most bundlers support extraction for this file type:

import 'jambonz-ui/public/css/styles.css';
Available CSS selectors

Most of the styles are utilized directly by the components so you're better off just using those. These are the basic utility styles that can be used in an ad-hoc manor in your jambonz apps.

CSS selector Application
bg--jam Applies main brand color as element background-color
bg--black Applies color as element background-color
bg--dark Applies color as element background-color
bg--grey Applies color as element background-color
bg--pink Applies color as element background-color
bg--blue Applies color as element background-color
bg--purple Applies color as element background-color
bg--teal Applies color as element background-color
txt--jam Applies main brand color as element color
txt--blue Applies color as element color
txt--purple Applies color as element color
txt--teal Applies color as element color
txt--red Applies color as element color
txt--green Applies color as element color
txt--grey Applies color as element color
wrap Center contains content with default left/right padding
pad Applies normalized top/bottom padding
pad-b Applies normalized bottom padding
pad-t Applies normalized top padding
i Inline icon wrapper—normalizes display of Icon alongside text

That i class is pretty useful. Here's an example of how it's used on this site to inline an icon with some text.

<Link href="">
  <a className="i" target="_blank">
    <Icons.ExternalLink />
Loading in SASS

As mentioned you can use either the whole kit or just the variables and mixins. If you're already using SASS for your jambonz app the recommendation would be to just load the whole

// This loads the entire SASS lib
// You should use this in your root SASS entry point
@use '@jambonz/ui-kit/src/styles/index';

// In your local SASS modules you can use the vars and mixins from the UI library
@use '@jambonz/ui-kit/styles/vars' as ui-vars;

.some-thing {
  color: ui-vars.$jambonz;
Available SASS variables

A more comprehensive table of available variables here is coming soon. For now the easiest place to visualize this is in the source file for the variables here. Every variable is also exposed via CSS :root for use as custom properties in other CSS files or for access in JavaScript.

Available SASS mixins

A more comprehensive table of available mixins here is coming soon. For now the easiest place to visualize this is in the source file for the mixins here.