
The jambonz REST API allows applications to query, create, and manage calls and other resources.

Base URL

All calls should use the following base URL:


where serviceUrl is set according to your own installation.


The REST api uses HTTP Bearer Authentication which requires that you include an HTTP Authorization header containing a valid api token.

Dates and Times

All dates and times are UTC, using RFC 2822 format.

Phone Numbers

All phone numbers are in E.164 format, starting with a plus sign ("+") and the country code.


An application represents a set of unified behaviors to be applied to phone calls either made or received through the platform. Applications can be created, queried, updated, and destroyed via the API by using an api_key with Account level scope.

Applications have the following properties:

property description
account_sid identifies the Account this application belongs to
application_sid unique identifier for the application
name user-specified name of application
call_hook web callback to invoke for new calls
call_status_hook web callback to invoke for call status notifications
speech_recognizer_vendor vendor to use for speech recognition. Default: google
speech_recognizer_language default language to use for speech recognition, if not specified in the 'gather' or 'transcribe' verbs. Default: en-US
speech_synthesis_vendor vendor to use for text to speech. Default: google
speech_synthesis_voice default voice to use for text to speech, if not specified in the 'say' verb. Default: en-US-Wavenet-C
Retrieving an Application

GET /v1/Applications/{ApplicationSid}

curl -X GET "http://{serviceUrl}/v1/Applications/0e0681b0-d49f-4fb8-b973-b5a3c6758de1" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 38700987-c7a4-4685-a5bb-af378f9734de"

200 response
	"application_sid": "0e0681b0-d49f-4fb8-b973-b5a3c6758de1",
	"name": "daveh test app",
	"account_sid": "fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04",
	"speech_synthesis_vendor": "google",
	"speech_synthesis_voice": "en-US-Wavenet-C",
	"speech_recognizer_vendor": "google",
	"speech_recognizer_language": "en-US",
	"call_hook": {
		"webhook_sid": "f227508f-dbb0-4fe8-a7e8-2974f54e24a1",
		"url": "http://vibe-test.drachtio.org.ngrok.io",
		"method": "post",
		"username": "drachtio",
		"password": "3298fn238hf9n823hf93h24398gj93n84h"
	"call_status_hook": {
		"webhook_sid": "8226d33c-6a46-40d4-8fb3-02ef01199085",
		"url": "http://vibe-test.drachtio.org.ngrok.io/callStatus",
		"method": "post",
		"username": "drachtio",
		"password": "3298fn238hf9n823hf93h24398gj93n84h"
Listing Applications

GET /v1/Applications

Lists all Applications an Account (if an account scope api token is used).

Deleting an Application

DELETE /v1/Applications/{ApplicationSid}

Deletes a specific Application.

Creating an Application

POST /v1/Applications

Creates a new Application.

Upon success, a 201 response is returned with a JSON body providing the account_sid ("sid") of the application that was created.

curl -X POST "http://{serviceUrl}/v1/Applications" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 38700987-c7a4-4685-a5bb-af378f9734de" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"name\":\"forward to mobile\",\"account_sid\":\"fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04\",\"call_hook\":{\"url\":\"http://vibe-test.drachtio.org.ngrok.io/mobile\"},\"call_status_hook\":{\"url\":\"http://vibe-test.drachtio.org.ngrok.io/mobileStatus\"}}"

201 response
  "sid": "65cddc02-6cf8-476c-97a8-1941a96e143b"

A call is a voice connection made between the jambonz platform and another endpoint, which may be a phone or a sip endpoint. Inbound calls are those made from external numbers or devices towards the platform, while outbound calls are placed by the platform to an endpoint. Inbound calls quite often are used to trigger outbound calls and in such a situation the outbound call will have a Parent Call Sid that references the inbound call.

Calls may created, modified, and deleted through the API.

Create a Call

Calls are created from the REST API by sending an HTTP POST request. A successful HTTP 201 response will contain the Call Sid of the call attempt that has been launched.

An example is shown below:

POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 175
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 9404e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

  "application_sid": "0e06a1b0-d49f-4fb8-b973-b5a3c6758de1",
  "from": "+15083728299",
  "to": {
    "type": "phone",
    "name": "+16172375089"
  "tag": {
    "accountCode": "288fe284"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 46


The Request-URI of the POST contains the Account Sid of the caller and JSON payload may contain the following properties

property description required
application_sid The unique identifier of the application used to handle the call either call_hook or application_sid must be supplied
call_hook an object specifying a web callback that will be invoked when the call is answered either call_hook or application_sid must be supplied
call_hook.url web callback url yes
call_hook.method 'GET' or 'POST'. Defaults to 'POST' no
call_hook.username username for HTTP Basic Authentication no
call_hook.password password for HTTP Basic Authentication no
call_status_hook an object specifying a a web callback that will be invoked with call status notifications. Object properties the same as 'call_hook' property above. no
from the calling party number yes
headers an object containing arbitrary sip headers to apply to the outbound call attempt no
tag an object containing customer data to associate with this call; this essentially calls the tag verb for you no
timeout the number of seconds to wait for the call to be answered. Defaults to 60. no
to specifies the destination of the call. See description of target types in jambonz call control language. yes

At the time that the 201 response is returned to the caller, the call attempt has been launched (i.e., the SIP INVITE has been sent) but no ringing or call answer has yet occurred. The caller will receive call status notifications via the call_status_hook (either that supplied in the POST request, or if an application_sid is supplied then via the configured call_status_hook for that application).

Retrieving a Call

GET /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{CallSid}

curl -X GET "http://{serviceUrl}/v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/ba01d74c-397e-4c80-9c8f-d57515ca8e86" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 38700987-c7a4-4685-a5bb-af378f9734de"

200 response
  "service_url": "",
  "call_sid": "ba01d74c-397e-4c80-9c8f-d57515ca8e86",
  "account_sid": "fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04",
  "application_sid": "0e0681b0-d49f-4fb8-b973-b5a3c6758de1",
  "caller_name": "+15083084809",
  "call_id": "95863901-c3c5-1238-6185-06d91d68c9b0",
  "sip_status": "200",
  "call_status": "completed",
  "duration": 182,
  "originating_sip_ip": "",
  "originating_sip_trunk_name": "cheaprates"
Listing Calls

GET /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls

Lists all Calls under an Account

Deleting a Call

DELETE /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{CallSid}

Deletes a specific Call.

Updating a Call

PUT /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls/{CallSid}

This operation allows you to modify certain aspects of an active call (aka "live call control"). The JSON payload can support the following properties:

property description when can this be used
call_hook a new application to start executing on the call at any time a call is active
call_status Change the status of the call. Possible values are 'completed' or 'no-answer' (the former terminates an answered call, the latter a call that is ringing) at any time a call is in-progress or ringing
listen_status Change the status of a listen stream. Possible values are 'pause' or 'resume'. Pausing a stream maintains the websocket connection but will discontinue sending audio over the connection. Resuming will start sending audio again. This may be useful, for example, when a caller is providing confidential information that you do not want to appear in a recording. only when a listen command is active on the call (may be nested in an active dial command)
mute_status Mute or unmute a call that is currently in a Dial verb. Possible values are 'mute' or 'unmute'. Either party in a call may be modified, depending on the call_sid provided in the path of the request-uri. only when a dial command is currently active on a call
whisper Play a mid-call whisper prompt to one of the parties on a call in progress. The whisper prompt is provided in a play or say verb, as shown in the examples below. The whisper may be played to either party on the call, depending on the call_sid provided in the path of the request-uri. The other party is briefly placed on hold while the prompt is played, and then reconnected to the other party afterwards. only when a dial command is currently active on the call

The call_status, listen_status, and mute_status properties are mutually exclusive -- only one may be provided in the same request.

The whisper property may be provided alone, or together with a listen_status or mute_status property, in which case the whisper prompt is played after the listen_status or mute_status operation is complete.

Finally, if call_hook is provided, then call_status_hook may also optionally be included. This is used to specify a new callback to send call status events to.

The response to a successful PUT is a 204 No Content.

Providing a new application
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"call_hook": {
		"url": "/transfer-to-support",
Terminating a call
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"call_status": "completed"
Pausing a listen stream
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"listen_status": "pause"
Resuming a listen stream
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"listen_status": "resume"
Muting a party
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"mute_status": "mute"
Unmuting a party
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"mute_status": "unmute"
Playing a whisper prompt

The content of the whisper prompt may be a single say or play verb:

POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"whisper": {
		"verb": "say",
		"text": "You have two minutes remaining on your call."

or an array of play or say verbs:

POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"whisper": [{
		"verb": "say",
		"text": "You have two minutes remaining on your call."
	}, {
		"verb": "say",
		"text": "Please use them wisely"

No verb other than a play or say verb may be included. The loop property of the verb is not supported in this usage.

Muting someone and then telling them about it
POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Calls/bd9a8d8d-bd55-4c53-a373-929e85c6db22 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 9604e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

  "mute_status": "mute",
  "whisper": [
     "verb": "say",
     "text": "Your call has been muted."

A message is an inbound or outbound SMS.

Create an SMS

SMS are created from the REST API by sending an HTTP POST request. A successful HTTP 201 response will contain the Message Sid of the SMS along with any provider information received.

An example is shown below:

POST /v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04/Messages HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 175
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 9404e5f7-9a77-4bcc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3
Content-Type: application/json

	"from": "13322060388",
	"to": "+15083084809",
	"provider": "peerless",
	"text": "please call when you can"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 46

  "providerResponse": {
    "responseText": "OK. Message Submitted Successfully"

The Request-URI of the POST contains the Account Sid of the caller and JSON payload may contain the following properties

property description required
from Originating phone number. yes
to Mobile number to send SMS to yes
text SMS message to send yes
provider Name of the SMS provider to use for the outgoing message. Not required if you have only configured SMS provider on your system. no
Management API

Accounts allow a subscriber to set some useful defaults that apply to all their Applications.

Accounts have the following properties:

property description
account_sid unique identifier for the account
device_calling_hook web callback invoked when a registered sip user places a call
is_active indicates whether account is active or not
name account name
registration_hook web callback to use to authenticate sip users/devices
sip_realm the sip realm (domain) that groups all sip users within the Account
Retrieving an Account

GET /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}

curl -X GET "https://{serviceUrl}/v1/Accounts/fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04" \
   -H "accept: application/json" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer 6604e5f7-9a77-42cc-b0fa-5665ace28ab3"

200 response
  "account_sid": "fef61e75-cec3-496c-a7bc-8368e4d02a04",
  "name": "pactolus",
  "sip_realm": "pactolus.com",
  "service_provider_sid": "a44985ae-3b03-4d23-a602-4971cfd60a65",
  "is_active": 1,
  "registration_hook": {
    "url": "https://app.pactolus.com/reg"
  "device_calling_hook": {
    "url": "https://app.pactolus/deviceCall"
Listing Accounts

GET /v1/Accounts

Lists all Accounts under a Service Provider (if a service provider scope api token is used) or under all Service Providers (if an admin scope api token is used).

Deleting Accounts

DELETE /v1/Accounts/{AccountSid}

Deletes a specific Account.

Creating an Account

POST /v1/Accounts

Creates a new Account. This operation can only be peformed using a Service Provider or Admin scope api token.

Upon success, a 201 response is returned with a JSON body providing the account_sid ("sid") of the account that was created.

curl -X POST "https://{serviceUrl}/v1/Accounts" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 38702987-c7a4-4685-a5bb-af378f9734de" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"name\":\"brandon's account\",\"sip_realm\":\"sip.brandon.com\",\"registration_hook\":{\"url\":\"https://brandon.com/reg\",\"method\":\"POST\"},\"device_calling_hook\":{\"url\":\"https://brandon.com/dev\",\"method\":\"POST\"},\"service_provider_sid\":\"a44985ae-3b03-4d23-a602-4971cfd60a65\"}"

201 response
  "sid": "65cddc02-6cf8-476c-97a8-1941a96e143b"

An api key is a token that is associated with an application and is used to authenticate requests on behalf of that application. Api keys can be created and destroyed via the API. API keys can have different scopes: Admin scope, service provider scope, and account scope.

  • Admin scope allows the bearer to make changes to global system properties and to create Service Providers.
  • Service provider scope allows the bearer to create and manage Accounts under the Service Providerxs.
  • Account scope allows the bearer to create applications and calls associated with the Account.
Conference participants

Conference participants refer to calls that are actively connected to a conference. You can mute or remove participants from a conference as well as retrieve a list of all participants, along with detailed information about each participant, in an active conference.


Conferences represent a common endpoint that can mix the audio from multiple calls. Conferences can be created, modified and deleted through the API.

Phone numbers

Phone numbers represent phone numbers that route to the jambonz platform, and may be associated with an application. A Phone number may be associated with zero or one Application. Phone numbers can be created and destroyed through the API, as well as being modified to point to a different application.


Queues represent an ordered collection of active calls that are parked (not connected to a far end). Queues may be created and deleted through the API.

Queued calls

Queued calls are calls that have been assigned to a queue.