Our philosophy

We're proud to offer jambonz in open-source format, available at no cost to our users and with very few restrictions. Open source software has driven many of the innovations in the real-time communications (RTC) industry, and we take pride in continuing that effort.

We believe that the use and delivery of open source in RTC should be treated as an ecosystem; that is:

  • It is an environment where everyone that participates has responsibilities.
  • It is an environment that is impacted -- either positively or negatively -- by everyone that shares it and by every action taken within it.

The health of the RTC open source ecosystem, like any ecosystem, is inherently fragile and should not be taken for granted.

To that end, we believe that all companies in the RTC space that are engaged with open source -- both consumers and makers -- should provide a report summarizing their commitment to the open source ecosystem, on at least an annual basis.

As a point of comparison, many companies feel that they have a social mission responsibility, and will report on the actions they've taken to fulfill that responsibility apart and aside from their financial results. Our shared responsibility to the stewardship of the open source RTC ecosystem should be treated in the same respectful manner.

On these pages you will find our own statement of commitment.